Terrorist Massacre Leaves 33 Christians Murdered, Town Destroyed


The light of Jesus is shining even brighter as the world without Him becomes increasingly dark in its sin.

Being a Christian automatically puts a target on one’s back, and as Jesus says in the Word of God: “The thief does not come, except to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

Christians are reeling from attacks that have decimated their communities leaving dozens murdered in the wake of recent terrorist attacks.

Satan and his forces did just that, as militant Fulani herdsmen killed 33 Christians in the predominantly Christian Runji village in Zangon Kataf County, Nigeria, on Sunday, Apr. 16, according to Morning Star News. The marauding terrorists burned half of the village down.

“Please pray for us. It’s a black Sunday, as 33 Christians were killed by herdsmen and terrorists in the early hours of Sunday, 16 April,” area resident Mugu Zakka Bako texted to Morning Star News. “They were also buried today, Monday, 17 April.”

The Rev. Jacob Kwashi, bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Zonkwa, Kaduna state, presided over the funeral ceremony, bemoaning the government’s callous response to the increasingly violent attacks against Christians:

“In the past seven and half years, we in southern Kaduna have seen the handiwork of the evil ones who have decided that they’ll keep releasing evil on us in our land until we don’t know when they’ll stop,” Kashi said. “It has always been obvious and clear that the government is capable and able to stop this evil, be it the government of Kaduna state or the government of Nigeria, they’re capable, they’re able to stop this evil, but the truth is that, are they ready and willing to stop this evil?”

Area resident John Kantiyok said that prayer for the people and the government must be utilized in the aftermath of the attack:

“Let’s pray for Runji village in Zangon Kataf Local Government Area, which came under heavy attack on Sunday night,” Kantiyok said in a text message to Morning Star News. “Many Christians are feared killed, and almost half of the houses in the village have been burnt and destroyed. It is nothing short of a massacre.”

A press statement was released by council official of Zangon Kataf Local Government Area Francis Sani, confirming the attack occurred and the number of victims it left in its wake:

“The attackers in their numbers maimed and burned mostly women and children, set houses ablaze and raided several houses within the community, leaving an aftermath of gruesome murder of 33 people, with four sustaining various degrees of injuries and some in critical condition that have been referred to Specialist Hospital, and properties worth millions destroyed,” Sani said in the statement. “We are devastated and shocked by the level of carnage and mindless bloodletting.”

According to Open Doors’ 2023 World Watch List (WWL), Nigeria is the leading country where Christians are killed for their faith, registering 5,014 martyrs in 2022.

As reported by Morning Star News, “It [Nigeria] also led the world in Christians abducted (4,726), sexually assaulted or harassed, forcibly married or physically or mentally abused and it had the most homes and businesses attacked for faith-based reasons. As in the previous year, Nigeria had the second most church attacks and internally displaced people.”

As the physical attacks against believers continue to increase in Nigeria, this is a sign that the spiritual warfare taking place in the country is just as severe.

Many Christian leaders in Nigeria believe these attacks continue is that the Muslims in the area are fearful as desertification is increasingly making their lands unsustainable, so they invade the Christians areas. While this is motivating factor in the natural realm, Christians must be aware and cognizant of the spiritual effort to snuff out the gospel going on around the world.

In countries like Nigeria, North Korea, China and so many others, Christians around the world and especially in the United States who simply do not know persecution of this kind, must pray fervently for these situations. And not only for those being persecuted to have the strength and comfort of the Lord to endure such hardships, but to do as Jesus commanded:

“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you” (Matt. 5:44). {eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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