Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic Inspires Masses in Uruguay to Accept Jesus


“What’s worse than failing is never trying,” said the man with no arms and legs.

Nick Vujicic, an Australian with no limbs, arrived in Montevideo, Uruguay, to talk about the freedom God has given him.

Vujicic spoke boldly about the transforming power of God’s Word before politicians and journalists at Uruguay’s House of Parliament. Thousands of Uruguayans watched on television. OM Uruguay’s director, Alejandro Las, was appointed as his official translator.

President Mujica also met with Vujicic and they joined in prayer as Alejandro translated.

“In the last few years it must have been the closest encounter he has had with the gospel in his life,” reflected Alejandro.

The front page of the Uruguayan newspaper the next morning proclaimed, “Vujicic Challenges Abortion Laws at Teleton”. His time at the center for handicapped children brought a great deal of media attention, which he used to proclaim a biblical perspective on abortion.

In a press conference soon after, an OM journalist asked him about his views on separation of church and state.

Vujicic said, “When people see me, they say, “Wow Nick! We love your values; we love your attitude; we love your strength; we want your joy! But don’t tell us anything about your God. But for me you can’t separate the two. It’s only because of my faith that I have what I have.”

The streets in Montevideo were covered wall to wall with posters of Nick Vujicic. His testimony was aired on the three largest secular television channels in the country: Teledoce, Canal 4 and Canal 10. At the Rambla, the recreational coastline of Montevideo, nearly 15,000 people stood for two hours in the chilly night air to hear what he had to say.

“If you want to know about the peace that has set me free, that will set you free, lift up your hand,” he shouted. As Alejandro fervently translated the message, a drug addict standing near the OM team raised his hand.

Another hand went up. Followed by another.

The dark sky over Montevideo’s shoreline witnessed hundreds of hands go up as individuals indicated a desire to know Christ.

A former drug addict turned missionary and close friend of the OM team handed out hand-scribbled invitations to an inner-city church. Men from the streets, living his former life, began putting their hands on his shoulder asking him, “Do you think we could have one too?”

The boldness of one crippled man enabled so many others to minister.   


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