miracle healing

Miracle Healing Opens Doors to Sharing Gospel


“Jesus healed me! Jesus healed me!” Sanjula cried out when she saw Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Rupak Das again.

Ten days before, Rupak had met 69-year-old Sanjula during a time of outreach. He learned the elderly lady was a widow of 10 years. Her three sons had married and moved away, leaving her impoverished and alone. Sanjula had also suffered with knee pain for eight long years but wasn’t able to get medical treatment because of her poor financial state.

As Rupak listened to Sanjula share her story, he felt deep compassion for her and began sharing the love of Jesus. He told her about the miracles Jesus did in the lives of those who were forsaken and told her He was able to take away her knee pain, too.

“If what you just said is true,” Sanjula said, “then I believe He will surely heal me.”

Rupak knelt down and prayed for Sanjula. He later went back to his home where he and his family continued to pray for her during their family devotions.

The next time Rupak saw Sanjula, she praised the Lord, exclaiming how He had healed her.

“I was touched by Jesus that particular night,” she said. “From the very next day onward until now, I have not felt any pain.”

When Sanjula’s fellow villagers learned she no longer experienced any knee pain, they were perplexed. They wondered how this miracle could have happened, but Sanjula does not shy away from telling them the source of her healing. She continually shares her testimony with everyone she meets. And through her, the Lord has opened doors for Rupak to share the love of Christ that would have otherwise been shut.


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