Zimbabwean Pastor Evan Mawarire, who organized a 'stay at home' anti-government protest last week, said on his Twitter page on Tuesday that police had charged him with inciting violence.

Meet the Pastor Charged With Trying to Overthrow the Government


Zimbabwean Pastor Evan Mawarire, who organized a ‘stay at home’ anti-government protest last week, said on his Twitter page on Tuesday that police had charged him with inciting violence.

“Pastor Evan Mawarire is being charged with section 36 for inciting public violence and disturbing peace,” a Tweet from Mawarire’s #ThisFlag protest page said.

Mawarire appeared in a Harare court after spending the night in police cells while officers searched his house, church and office in the capital following several days of protests last week.

Another demonstration against President Robert Mugabe’s government is planned on Wednesday and Thursday. {eoa}

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