Marilyn Hickey

Marilyn Hickey Shows God’s Healing Power to 200,000 in Pakistan


Pakistan is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for Christians. But that’s not stopping 80-year-old Marilyn Hickey from taking the gospel—and the healing power of God—to the Asian nation.

Karachi, Pakistan, is the 10th largest city in the world and the largest Muslim city in the world. According to Time magazine’s January 2012 assessment, it’s also the most dangerous city in the world. But Hickey is boldly taking God’s healing and love to the Muslim-dominated nation.

Indeed, Hickey has been working with various political, religious and ethnic groups in Pakistan for more than 16 years building bridges of friendship and cooperation with all religions and races of the Muslim, Hindu and Christian faith. Hickey’s recent sixth trip was one of the most successful in her 40-plus year history of international ministry.

A record number of people attended the three nights of healing meetings at the Karachi YMCA compound. By the third night, the attendance was up to 200,000. The streets leading to the compound had to be shut down as thousands were positioned outside the ground’s walls watching the event on large screens. Multiple healings were reported, including a Muslim man who was paralyzed can now walk, and a little boy blind from birth can now see, and captured on video.

“I cannot thank God enough for all that He’s done here,” says Hickey. “Everything that we believed for, He made happen—beyond what we could have hoped or imagined.”

High-level government officials supported Hickey’s meetings. Senior advisor to Pakistan’s prime minister, Dr. Paul Bhatti, thanked her for praying for the physically sick but also for healing from illiteracy, poverty and terrorism. Governor Sindh Dr. Ishrat Ul Ebad Khan, who was very instrumental in securing the required permissions from the Pakistani government for the event, invited Hickey to his home to pray for his family. The group joined hands and prayed for Pakistan, Karachi and the duties of his office.

Hickey was also invited to a special luncheon with the leaders of the MQM party, the third largest political party in Pakistan, where she prayed for healing for each person and handed them her latest book, Pathway to Miracles.


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