John Hagee interfaith meeting

John Hagee Meets With Leaders of Christianity, Judaism, Islam


John Hagee helped to kick off Glenn Beck’s Restoring Courage rallies with a keynote speech at the Caesarea amphitheater—but the founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel also participated in several high-level meetings during the week.

On Thursday, Hagee met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and introduced the Israeli leader to Pastor Enoch Adeboye, of Nigeria’s Redeemed Christian Church of God. Adeboye is a spiritual leader to millions and was named in 2008 to Newsweek’s list of the most powerful people in the world.

“I have been blessed with the opportunity to address Pastor Adeboye’s conferences—with literally millions of Christians in attendance—on several occasions. As our relationship deepened, I invited him to my home in Texas and we spoke about the biblical and moral reasons for standing with the Jewish people and the State of Israel,” Hagee says. “The pastor has warmly embraced Christian Zionism, and I am proud to have had the opportunity to introduce this important new ally to Prime Minister Netanyahu.”

Hagee also welcomed Sheikh Abu-Khader Ja’abari of Hebron to his suite in Jerusalem for a meeting facilitated by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin. Hagee says he spoke with the Shiekh and Rabbi Riskin for nearly two hours about the need to reject violence and develop greater tolerance between religious communities.

“This conversation was illuminating and in many ways inspired my hopes for peace,” Hagee says. “I pray that is only the first of many such meetings.”

As Riskin sees it, it is critical that the clergy of the three major religions of the worldJudaism, Christianity and Islam—declare together their united belief in a God of love, morality and compassion. He is determined we not to allow the forces of fanaticism and Jihadism to speak for God and to take over the religious message.

“Sheikh Ja’abari is an important and refreshing voice in a religion for peace,” Riskin says. “I am proud that my Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation has partnered with the Interfaith Encounter Association, led by Yehuda Stolov, in bringing together Pastor Hagee and Shiekh Ja’abari.”

Do you agree with Hagee’s decision to meet with Islamic leaders?


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