Glenn Beck Muslim Antichrist

Joel Richardson Points to Startling Evidence the Anti-Christ Is a Muslim


The comparisons between Christian prophecies and Muslim Brotherhood predictions about about the end of times are frighteningly similar … but are they coming to pass?

Glenn Beck recently sat down with Islamic Antichrist author Joel Richardson about exactly how the dominant faiths weave together as the end of times approaches. 

According to Richardson, the prophecies for the biblical Antichrist when compared to elements of Muslim Brotherhood predictions are positively frightening.

With the rise of the Islamic State and evil attacking good, Beck says he can already see how current world chaos is interwoven into the prophecies described in the book of Revelation.

But what’s more startling is just how similar the Muslim Brotherhood prediction of the 12th Imam lines up with the book of Joel, leading Richardson to claim the Antichrist is a Muslim.

Watch the interview and sound off on his thoughts.


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