Jill and Derick Dillard

Jill Duggar Dillard Gets Gang Members Saved


Jill Duggar Dillard and her husband Derick jet setted to Central America earlier this year to dive head first into missions. 

It seems their work for the kingdom is paying off!

“The gang violence has been something we have been very aware of, especially during the last month. We have seen Isaiah 61:1 come to life,” Dillard writes on their family’s blog. “… We have had the opportunity to minister to several gang members and even see some come to freedom in Christ!”

The Duggar clan bid goodbye to the little family in July, about six weeks after allegations surfaced about the oldest son molesting some of his sisters.

Now, the Dillard family is focused on their mission work.

Watch the video to see Derick worshipping in what is reported to be El Salvador.


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