Deacon Calvin Robinson

Is Progressive Christianity a ‘Tool of the Devil?’


A conservative Anglican minister in England is warning liberalism in the West is “the greatest threat” to Christianity, even calling it “one of the tools that the devil is using.”

Calvin Robinson, a deacon in the Free Church of England, said during an interview with Fox News that the phrase “progressive Christianity” is an “oxymoron,” describing leftist Christians as “fake.”

He went on to say liberalism is concerning, because it is “rooted in twists of the truth.”

“[L]iberalism is even more warped in terms of taking something that sounds compassionate, sounds empathetic, but isn’t actually fully true in order to get people to believe in it, such as, you know, trans queer theory, gender theory, critical race theory,” the deacon explained.

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The genesis of radically progressive ideology, he argued, is “really communism, which we know is incompatible with the Christian faith, because it is the work of the enemy.

“[S]o many popes, so many cardinals, so many good holy men throughout history have said this quite explicitly,” Robinson said. “And so, we shouldn’t let our guard down for communism. We certainly shouldn’t let it for neo-Marxism and, therefore, we should not let our guard down for liberalism.”

Robinson’s comments come as many clergy members in Europe are embracing progressive ideology.

In early March, Catholic bishops in Germany voted to allow formal ceremonies for the blessing of same-sex relationships, a direct contradiction to Catholic orthodoxy and the doctrine of the Vatican.

Even more recently, in July, the archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, described the beginning of the Lord’s Prayer—”Our Father”—as “problematic,” according to The Guardian.

The biblical prayer, recorded in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4, “is problematic for those whose experience of earthly fathers has been destructive and abusive, and for all of us who have labored rather too much from an oppressively patriarchal grip on life.”

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