‘High-Risk’ Missionaries Prep for 9th Trip, Despite Death Threats


All Things Possible Ministries, led by high-risk missionary Victor Marx and his wife, Eileen, will deploy to Iraq for its ninth humanitarian trip to the region later this fall with the goal to deliver comfort toys to children and dignity kits to women in the region.

The ministry will deliver 2000 specially outfitted plush lion and lamb toys that aim to decrease trauma through specially selected music along with words in Arabic and Kurdish played through a special audio component. To date, more than 30,000 Lions & Lambs Life Packs have been donated to people of the Middle East. Additionally, the ministry will distribute 4000 kits with personal care and feminine hygiene items.

“Through our work in the country since 2014, we noticed a continual need for the basics,” said Marx. “Half of the displaced 3.3 million Iraqis are children. They’re traumatized, hurt and still face terrorist threats. Because of the broken infrastructure, young women often lack personal necessities which contributes to loss of opportunities, dignity and feelings of hopelessness. We’ve fundraised specifically to help address these issues.”

Marx’s K9 protector and companion, Scout, will also minister to the children one-on-one. A highly-trained Belgian Malinois, Scout now doubles as a therapy dog.

“Despite her specialized training to apprehend and protect, Scout has a unique therapeutic ability to bond with children,” said Marx. “Scout is often the highlight of our Iraqi children’s program.”

Under constant threat from extremists, including a public call for his beheading, Marx cannot publicize the dates or exact location of the upcoming humanitarian mission.

A former Marine and renowned martial arts expert, Marx is also an author, speaker and international child advocate with a love for people of the Middle East who have been brutalized by ISIS and warfare in the region.

“One mission led to another, and then another and suddenly, we found ourselves with a significant foothold in-country and relationships with many high-ranking government officials.”

All Things Possible directly supports a number of persecuted Christian Iraqi families as well as Muslim and Yazidi Children—even orphaned children of ISIS fighters. The organization supports one orphanage in the region and operates the Third Option program where local leaders can receive specialized resources for dealing with ISIS.


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