Happy Reformation Day! Remembering the Movement that Changed History


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While many across America are focused on candy and costume parties, there was another far more significant event that is celebrated on Oct. 31.

When Martin Luther stood up to the corruption within the Catholic church and hammered his “95 Theses” to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg, Germany, he ignited a fire that would spread across land and time.

God used his courage to combat the unbiblical practices within the church. Luther had had enough of the heresy, especially the selling of indulgences as a penance for sin. Luther argued the gift of Jesus was for everyone and not meant to be hidden behind a paywall.

It took courage and faith for Martin Luther to make his stand. He relied on God to endure the waves of criticism and harassment he would face, and while he was far from a perfect man his actions sparked the badly needed reforms within the church.

Religious communities across the world recognize this historically significant event. In Germany, the majority of states recognize it as an official holiday and celebrate the change that was brought by the 95 Theses.

The lessons from the Protestant Reformation are just as important today as they were in 1517, and the Bible is just as relevant and truthful was it was hundreds of years ago.

Christians across the world are praying for a revival, for dry bones to come alive and to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. By taking the time to read over and educate oneself with the document that set the Reformation into motion, believers are equipping and arming themselves with knowledge about the issues the church was facing in the 1500s and how these 95 theses affect the modern church.

This Oct. 31, Christians worldwide would benefit greatly if they took some time out of their day and read over the 95 reasons that one man took a stand against an empire-spanning organization that had lost its way. From his first thesis embracing a life dedicated to Christ, to the final 95th thesis encouraging Christians to endure the “many tribulations” on their way to heaven, Christians worldwide will be edified reading Luther’s letter to the church.

Fortifying one’s spirit has much greater benefit than opening the door to spiritual attack. Many former satanists and witches warn about the spiritual dangers that Christians face by celebrating Halloween.

Former satanist John Ramirez went in depth with Charisma News about the spiritual danger of having a “one-night stand” with Satan on Halloween.

So instead of becoming spiritually vulnerable and opening a door for Satan to enter in, Christians have an opportunity to learn about the power of God and a historical movement that helped shape the world today. {eoa}

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James Lasher is a Copy Editor for Charisma Media.


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