Roberta Edwards

Gunmen Slay American Missionary, Kidnap 4-Year-Old


Gunmen attacked a Tennessee missionary in Haiti, killing her and kidnapping a child.  

Fifty-five-year old Roberta Edwards’ home church Estes Church of Christ says Edwards was killed Saturday evening, Oct. 10, when gunmen attacked the vehicle she was driving near her home in the Haitian city of Port-au-Prince. A 4-year-old foster child was traveling with her and has not been located since the attack. 

Edwards had two other boys in the vehicle, who escaped the gunmen and ran for help, USA Today reports.  

Edwards was the director of Sonlight Children’s Home in Port-au-Prince, where she cared for about 20 children from infants to age 23. The kidnapped youngster, 4-year-old “JoJo” Paul, was one of the foster children.  

“Hearts are breaking for him. And we certainly hope that whoever took him, wherever he is, whoever has him, will return him as soon as possible,” Larry Waymire, a longtime colleague and friend Edwards, tells Newsday. 

As for Edwards, the devastation over her loss spreads from her local church to the State Department. 

“We offer our condolences to her family and loved ones on their loss,” State Department Spokeswoman Katy Bondy tells NBC News

A statement from Estes Church says Edwards was aware of her “dangerous setting,” but committed herself to the care of the children, despite the risks.  

“Roberta was remarkable. She had an unwavering love of God, her children and the people of Haiti,” says Jesse Robertson, minister at Estes Church of Christ and longtime friend of Roberta. “We are absolutely devastated by her loss.”


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