GFA mob

Fearless in the Face of Opposition


GFA mobMany South Asian believers face intense persecution and trials, but that has not stopped them from following God’s call.

Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Vajra Pillai recently started his ministry in a small village. Around 15 people began gathering for prayer and worship services. However, opposition from a fanatical group began to surface.

Pillai was warned to stop having worship and prayer meetings and to not tell anyone else about Jesus. When confronted, the pastor simply walked away, refusing to be drawn into a confrontation.

Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Chakor Gavde has a similar story. After choosing to follow Jesus and attend Bible college, his family members reacted with harsh persecution. Gavde tried to convince his parents to let him study the Bible, but instead they responded by brutally beating him.

Fortunately, he managed to escape his home and found refuge at his pastor’s house. Gavde’s parents want to take his life because they view his decision to follow Christ as a great sin. Gavde endured the opposition and finally accomplished his dream: He is a first-year student at a Gospel for Asia-supported Bible college.

Both of these men are certain of God’s calling on their lives. When faced with opposition, they trust God with their lives.

Pray for pastor Pillai that God will continue to protect him from danger and grow his ministry. Pray for Gavde as well, that his studies will go well and his family members will receive Christ as their Savior.


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