Some of the destruction at Grace Church, Japan

Earthquakes Hit, Damage Churches in Japan

Just over 10 years ago, on March 11, 2011, a 9.0 earthquake devastated Japan, resulting in nearly 25,000 deaths and total destruction. This, combined with a tsunami and nuclear meltdown, destroyed multiple churches and ministries in its aftermath.

Amazingly, 10 years later, a series of dramatic earthquakes, which authorities have concluded are aftershocks of the previous earthquake, have hit Japan, including one with magnitude of nearly 7.0. The resultant shaking throughout the country has once again caused serious damage to churches in the island nation.

One such church, Grace Church in Tokyo, which recently celebrated 50 years of existence, survived the 2011 earthquake with only minor damage. The recent earthquake, however, has resulted in major damage, including the loss of part of the church’s roof.

In his book, God, Trump, and the 2020 Election, bestselling author Stephen Strang quotes David Curry, president of Open Doors USA, as saying, “Nearly 1 in every 12 Christians in the world today lives in an area or in a culture in which Christianity is illegal, forbidden or punished.”

Scripture also reminds us, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed” (Prov. 19:17, ESV).

“We had neighbors rush to our church in concern,” said one person at Grace Church, with another adding, “We have survived the pandemic, numerous typhoons, earthquakes and more, but this time, it finally hit us, and we urgently need help to repair the roof and other damaged areas before seasonal rains come.”

Known as the “oasis” because of its role as a local community center, the church is urgently working to raise the money for minimum repairs at this link. Grace also hopes to add extra protection so the next earthquake, tsunami or other disaster will not result in further destruction in the nation in which freedom has fallen from 11th in the world to 72nd. {eoa}

Amir George is an author and speaker who directs The World Helpline,

For information on twice-daily prayer on Capitol Hill led by the “chaplain of Capitol Hill” at 7:30 a.m. and 12 noon since 1991, please contact [email protected].

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