Parents of a teenage girl say she threatened to kill herself with a knife because she is demon-possessed.

Demonized Teen Threatens to Kill Herself After Coming Home From Church, Parents Say


Parents of a teenage girl are pleading for help for their daughter, whom they claim is possessed by demons, according to a Honduran news site.   

“In the afternoon she was pretty happy after coming from a church, afterward she said to me: ‘Mommy, notice that I have a headache,’ and shortly afterward she grabbed a machete and said, ‘Look, Mommy, I would like to kill myself, I’m going to grab a dagger and I’m going to kill myself,'” mother Albertina Ramos said, according to a translation.  

A video of the girl convulsing was posted online. 

Her father says she behaves “aggressively” when people talk about the Bible.  

The teen’s symptoms appear to be similar to the demon-possessed man in Mark 5.  

“And no one could constrain him, not even with chains, because he had often been bound with shackles and chains. But he had pulled the chains apart and broken the shackles to pieces. And no one could subdue him,” reads Mark 5:3-4.


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