Raymond Ibrahim

Crucified Again: The New Islamic War on Christians


Like an unrelenting drum beat echoing throughout the Islamic world, perpetual acts of violence and murder are being committed against those belonging to the Christian faith. 
In Egypt, security forces recently launched an unprecedented assault on Cairo’s St. Mark’s Cathedral.
Last March in Pakistan, an angry Muslim mob forced 170 Christian families from their homes after a Christian was accused of blasphemy.
Meanwhile in Iran, American house church pastor Saeed Abedini is suffering internal bleeding from the beatings and torture he’s endured in Tehran’s notoriously brutal Evin Prison. 
And in Iraq, Islamic extremists say their goal is to drive all Christians out of the country. 
In his new book, Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians, author Raymond Ibrahim suggests that in the aftermath of the Arab Spring the world is facing a growing human rights crisis, with Christians being the primary targets.

“I wrote the book to fill the vacuum, since the mainstream media and others-such as the Obama administration have, to varying degrees, decided to ignore or whitewash this otherwise growing epidemic of human pain and suffering,” Ibrahim told the Inquisitr.

Why isn’t there more media coverage of these attacks and persecution? Ibrahim addressed that question and more on The 700 Club on Wednesday. Watch below.


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