David Cameron

Church ‘Locking Out’ Gays, Says England Prime Minister


Same-sex marriage isn’t just an American issue. The battle is also raging in Europe, even in the political ranks.

Case in point: England’s prime minster’s Tuesday night comments about the church “locking out” gays because of its support for traditional marriage. Speaking at the Downing Street reception for gay leaders, Prime Minister David Cameron said he was proud to be following in the tradition of Tony Blair by redefining marriage.

“The prime minister’s sneering remarks show his own intolerance for religious people who disagree with him on gay marriage,” says The Christian Institute’s Mike Judge. “It is incredibly arrogant of him to tell churches what religious beliefs they should and shouldn’t hold. No wonder huge swathes of churchgoers are suspicious of his motives.”

Just hours earlier, Judge noted, Cameron was entertaining the queen, who is the supreme governor of the Church of England.

“As for following in the tradition of Tony Blair, the labour prime minister passed laws which closed down faith-based adoption work, led to Christian registrars being sacked and Christian B&Bs being fined,” Judge says. “Is that the tradition that Mr. Cameron so proudly wants to follow? He’s going the right way about it, because redefining marriage would put supporters of traditional marriage right in the firing line.”

Judge, who pointed to the Scottish government in a Wednesday morning announcement of a go-ahead for gay marriage, admitted there are major civil liberty risks. The Scottish government wants the Westminster Government to sort out the issue.

“Mr. Cameron’s remarks also show that he is out of touch with a majority of the public, of all faiths and none, who oppose these deeply divisive plans. While ordinary people struggle to pay their bills, he’s hosting a lavish Downing Street party for gay celebrities and activists, using the event to look down his nose at the church,” Judge says.

“Voters would rather he was working to boost the flagging economy, not meddling with marriage and lecturing the church. The plans to redefine marriage are unnecessary, unpopular, divisive and a vote-loser. It is high time they were dumped.”


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