Daniel Pierce

Chuck Pierce’s Son Issues Urgent Call to Prayer After Devastating Terrorist Attack on Israel


Four Israeli Defense Force soldiers were killed in a terrorist attack Sunday when a truck plowed into people disembarking a bus. Upwards of 13 were wounded, according to recent reports. 

“We know there is a sequence of terror attacks, and it’s quite possible that there is a connection between them, from France, Berlin and now Jerusalem,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said

Chuck Pierce’s son Daniel was live on the scene shortly after the attack.

“We call this a psychological mass casualty incident where we had many, many people who needed help psychologically,” one of the volunteers said in the video. “Especially being the nature of the people who were there, which was a group of soldiers touring, many of them young, many of them in need of help.”

The Pierces are pleading for your prayers. Watch the video to see more. {eoa}


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