china police

China Child Trafficking Sting Rescues 181 Kids


Following a recent FBI sting in the United States, China’s Ministry of Public Security’s anti-human trafficking office is reporting the rescue of 181 kids in a child trafficking sting in Asia. Chinese police arrested 802 suspects.

“We have zero tolerance when it comes to child trafficking and will make the utmost efforts to make sure that every trafficker is caught,” said Chen Shiqu, director of the Ministry of Public Security’s anti-human trafficking office.

According to AsiaOne News, more than 10,000 police offers launched operations simultaneously. The arrest included two child trafficking gangs and a top-level fugitive named Shao Zhongyuan.

In a statement, Chen Shiqu said the ministry will strengthen cooperation with non-governmental organizations to launch a crackdown on child trafficking.

According to the Associated Press, state media report that a baby girl can fetch 30,000 to 50,000 yuan ($4,800 to $8,000) and that a baby boy sells for 70,000 to 80,000 yuan ($11,200 to $12,800). Last year, the AP reports, China rescued more than 8,000 children who were abducted or willingly sold by parents.


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