Anglican Church of Canada primate and chancellor acknowledging the error that led to the original vote against same-sex marriage being overturned.

Canadian Bishops Call Out Apostasy in Their Ranks


A group of bishops from the Anglican Church of Canada has warned that a church vote in favor of same-sex marriage is a “departure from the faith.”

The warning came in a joint statement signed by seven bishops in response to this month’s Canadian General Synod vote to allow same-sex marriages in churches.

The Anglican Church of Canada began a move towards same-sex weddings in 2013, voted in favor of them this month and will hold a final vote at the next General Synod.

Fundamental departure

The bishops state that same-sex marriage “would be a fundamental departure from the faith and teaching held by the majority of the Anglican Communion on the doctrine of marriage.”

They also say the decision threatens the Church of Canada’s status with other Anglicans globally.

The bishops noted, “the General Synod has taken a further step in ordaining something contrary to God’s Word written and imperils our full communion within the Anglican Church of Canada and with Anglicans throughout the world.”

Grievous error

“We believe that our General Synod has erred grievously and we publicly dissent from this decision,” they continued.

The church process is still ongoing as the vote will need to be passed again at the next General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada.

This is due to take place in Vancouver in 2019.


In January this year, the U.S. Episcopal Church was suspended from the Anglican Communion for three years for “a fundamental departure from the faith” over marriage.

The Episcopal Church changed its church law in 2015 to remove reference to marriage as being between a man and a woman. {eoa}

This article originally appeared on The Christian Institute. 


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