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Bonnke Plans Togo Return After 20 Years


Reinhard Bonnke just wrapped up another Gospel in Lokoja, Nigeria, one of his last for some time in the African country.

In the final eve of the crusade, Bonnke preached a clear Gospel message on repentance. The result: most of the 150,000 people received Jesus.

The Christ for All Nations team also reported these breakthroughs from the crusade:

  • An eight-year-old girl, deaf and dumb from birth heard and spoke for the first time
  • A man who had been an occultist for the past 24 years was crippled by some debilitating disease. During the campaign, he surrendered his life to Jesus and brought his cultic fetishes to be destroyed. Minutes later, during the prayer for the sick he received a miraculous healing and can now walk.

After 10 years of almost exclusive ministry in Nigeria, Bonnke is now setting his sights on other parts of Africa. In February, the Christ for All Nations team will return to Togo after nearly 20 years.


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