Sri Lanka mob attacks church

AG Church Stormed, Vandalized in Sri Lanka


A mob led by Buddhist monks stormed and vandalized an Assemblies of God church and Calvary Free Church during Sunday morning services this weekend in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka.

According to eyewitness reports, the churches were attacked because they were considered “illegal prayer centers” by the monks, despite the churches having been in operation for the past 17 years. 

Although no believers were hurt in the attacks on Sunday, church leaders report that persecution against Christians within the area is intensifying.

“We request your urgent prayer support for justice, peace and common sense to prevail and for the protection of these pastors, believers and their families,” said a Sri Lanka Assemblies of God leader.

George O. Wood, general superintendent of the U.S. Assemblies of God, and Greg Mundis, executive director for AG World Missions, are urging AG members around the world to pray for the churches, that God would provide justice as well as the opportunity for believers to demonstrate Christ’s love to those who oppose the gospel.

To view a news report from the Assemblies of God World Missions and a YouTube video of the attack in Sri Lanka, click here.


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