Reddit users are funding anti-Christian organizations.

Your Favorite Social Media Site May Be Funding Anti-Christian Bigotry


The social media site, which allows registered users to submit content that is then “voted” up or down by other users to determine the content’s position on the page, has awarded an $82,765.95 grant to the anti-Christian Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), representing one of the largest grants the Wisconsin-based FFRF has ever received.

American Family Association (AFA, is alerting users of the grant and urging them to be aware of what their social media activities are supporting.

“Freedom From Religion Foundation regularly attacks religious liberty as a whole and Christianity in particular with a focused intent of separating all religious reference from public life,” said AFA President Tim Wildmon. “This earned them the distinct dishonor of inclusion on AFA’s recently released anti-Christian bigotry map, which exposes more than 200 organizations that regularly attack the foundation of our nation and wish to destroy religious freedom. It’s likely many users are not aware that their social media activity is aiding and abetting anti-Christian activity, but we hope that users will now think twice before frequenting the social media site.”

According to its website,, which was launched in 2005, claimed more than 151 million unique visitors last month from 212 countries viewing more than 6.6 billion pages.

FFRF was one of 10 nonprofit grant recipients selected by the votes of users to receive a grant. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the nation’s largest abortion provider, also received $82.765.95.

“Social media has become a way of life for Americans,” Wildmon added. “But it’s important that when we go online to ‘like’ or ‘share’ something, we do so with the knowledge of what our seemingly innocent activities are supporting.”

Freedom from Religion Foundation appears on AFA’s Anti-Christian Bigotry Map, as the organization “threatens, intimidates and sues local governments and public schools to abolish all public references to the Christian faith. Most notably, FFRF targets displays of crosses, the Ten Commandments and public prayer.”


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