Tsunami hitting California coast in 'San Andreas'

With God’s Hedge of Protection Lifting, California Faces Tsunami Threat


With West Coast earthquakes and tsunamis in the public consciousness after the May 29 release of blockbuster disaster film San Andreas, a previously undiscovered faultline has been recently identified off the California coast. While the titular San Andreas fault continues to be a source of concern for real-life geologists anticipating the long-overdue “Big One,” this newly discovered offshore fissure could compound the danger for the region’s denizens.

Though geologist Mark Legg, head of Southern California-based consulting firm Legg Geophysical and leading author of the study identifying and analyzing the faultline, cautions that quakes and tidal waves that may soon be caused by the newly discovered tectonic rift would likely pale in comparison to the apocalyptic chaos illustrated by Hollywood’s special effects teams, he warns that it poses a potent threat many are not taking seriously enough. In densely populated Los Angeles and San Diego, even a tiny tidal surge from the “Borderland faultline” could cause considerable damage.

“It doesn’t have to be a Sumatra-sized tsunami,” Legg told NBC News. “It could be a one- to two-meter surge. That could have a huge impact on the ports.”

With the coastal devastation wrought by the 2004 Sumatra earthquake and tsunami as well as the 2011 quake that rocked Japan and brought down several nuclear plants still fresh in the public’s mind, San Andreas and the subaquatic Borderlands faultline may prove timely in their warnings of natural disasters wreaking havoc upon our nation.

But when the Big One finally does arrive, we would do well to remember that such devastation doesn’t always result in Hollywood happy endings for them and their loved ones. And with God’s hedge of protection seemingly being lifted from our nation, all bets on destructive limits are off.

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