Jeremy Lin's (left) Hornets may move from Charlotte due to mounting pressure against HB 2.

Will Jeremy Lin’s Hornets Be Forced to Move Over Political Correctness?


NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said the future of the Hornets as a Charlotte-based team is uncertain following North Carolina’s House Bill 2.  

“I’m only saying that whatever we do, we have to keep an eye on the fact that we have one of our 30 franchises operating in that state. We have a much bigger issue in North Carolina than the All-Star Game: It’s the ongoing operation of our team,” Silver said, according to ESPN

“That’s why what’s most important to this league that there be a change in law. It would be easy to make a statement but I can’t cut-and-run here? I’m leaving my team there.” 

It’s an interesting dynamic considering open Christian Jeremy Lin is one of the team’s top performers.  

But Lin publicly puts his faith in God to guide him through the rest of the season and beyond. 

“Psalm 37:5 — Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you,” Lin shared on Facebook.


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