Why We Must Wait on the Lord for the Final Election Results


Despite what the headlines are screaming today, despite what Joe Biden tells you, this election is not yet over.

Donald Trump’s legal team is hard at work in the courts, calling for election integrity. Until the legal challenges have been resolved, and recounts completed, the election is not finalized. While it may well be that Joe Biden becomes the next president of the United States, it is not final until it is final. The Associated Press, The Washington Post and Fox News do not get to determine who wins the presidency.

While I will accept the winner once this nightmare is over, we must not pretend that one candidate or the other is the winner until that moment comes. But when it does, we will move forward as Americans under whomever that is.

Very real election irregularities are now under investigation include “dead” people voting, people voting in two states, malfunctions in equipment, and Republican poll watchers denied access as late mail in ballots are counted.

Every legal vote must be counted. All illegal votes must be thrown out. Christians must remain prayerful and patient until the process is complete.

The trouble is, for too many decades we’ve stood idly by while many of the largest cities in the country have languished under socialist policies that include wide spread voter fraud. For far too long we’ve allowed the media to tell us what “truth” is. Today, we are reaping the consequences of both. These are just two of the reasons why our calling to transform all of the mountains of culture for Christ is critical.

Until the legal challenges are over or President Trump concedes defeat, we must remain diligent in prayer. When a decision is finally made, we must continue our work to impact the culture for Christ regardless of that outcome. Our tactics will change, our challenges will differ, but our destination will remain.

We do know that the composition of the Senate will not be finalized until after Jan. 5 when both Senate races in Georgia see another election. Until those two races are resolved, we will not know the fate of the Senate nor who the Senate majority leader will be. Never have control of both the presidency and the Senate been so simultaneously uncertain. But that is where we are today, and we will not give up hope on our own.

We’ve done all we can, and now we wait on our knees. The battle is the Lord’s, and He is our King. {eoa}

Rebecca Hagelin is CEO of United In Purpose in Tampa, Florida.


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