A Christian charity in the US has been joined in its work toward opposing a controversial 'transgender bathroom' directive by a 'radical feminist' group.

Why ‘Radical Feminists’ Are Now Livid on Behalf of Conservative Christians


A Christian charity in the U.S. has been joined in its work towards opposing a controversial “transgender bathroom” directive by a “radical feminist” group.

The Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) and the Family Policy Alliance filed a joint legal brief opposing the redefinition of sex discrimination laws to include transsexual rights.

This redefinition underpins former President Barack Obama’s order last year that schools must let transsexual pupils use the toilets, changing rooms and showers of their choice or face serious cuts in funding.

‘Fundamental Shift’

WoLF describes itself as “radical feminists” “dedicated to the total liberation of women.”

The group lodged the joint brief with Family Policy Alliance, a close ally of Focus on the Family, in a case that is to go before the U.S. Supreme Court.

The document states: “Pro-family Christians and radical feminists may not agree about much, but they agree that redefining ‘sex’ to mean ‘gender identity’ is a truly fundamental shift in American law and society.”

During an interview with Fox News, Kara Dansky of WoLF said their fight went “far beyond bathrooms.”


She said if we define sex as gender identity, then “women and girl’ can mean anyone who self-identifies as ‘woman and girl,’ which renders the category ‘women and girls’ meaningless.”

Last August, a federal judge in Texas blocked the Obama directive with a temporary injunction. 

A poll revealed that two-thirds of Americans, including a majority of young people, were opposed to the administration’s move.


An author and former transsexual has previously warned that schools across the United States are “socially indoctrinating young children toward accepting transsexualism.”

In an article for The Federalist, Walt Heyer, who lived as a woman and had sex-change surgery before reverting to his biological male sex, accused LGBT activists of “infiltrating the curriculum” in order to create the next generation of “participants.”

Heyer said young people are being “encouraged by educators and medical professionals to experiment with gender transition.”

But drawing on his own experience, he argued that “changing gender” is an “empty promise, a temporary reprieve” that doesn’t fix anything. {eoa}


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