Phil Robertson

WATCH: Phil Robertson on ISIS: Convert Them or Kill Them


Phil Robertson, the Duck Dynasty patriarch known for telling the truth at all costs, is speaking out about the two journalists ISIS beheaded.

During a promotional tour for his new book UnPHILtered, Robertson spoke to Sean Hannity on Tuesday about the tragic events, and he has a solution for handling the group that he says acts like “street gangs, street thugs on steroids.”

“Why is it when we’re not even over there in the Middle East, why do they continue to slaughter each other?” asked Robertson. “In this case you have to convert them, which I think would be next to impossible, I’m not giving up on them, I’m just saying convert them or kill them. One or the other.”

Of course, Robertson would prefer to see the radical Islamists turn to Jesus.

“I’d much rather have a Bible study with all of them and show them the error of their ways and point them to Jesus Christ,” Robertson said. “However, if it’s a gunfight and a gunfight alone, if that’s what they’re looking for, me personally, I am prepared for either one.”


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