Benjamin Watson

WATCH: NFL’s Benjamin Watson’s Baltimore Reflections Go Viral


The uprisings and riots in Baltimore aren’t just black and white. 

The issue is that we live in a fallen world where people refuse to accept responsibility for sin and turn their lives over to God.  

Just look to Christian NFL star Benjamin Watson, whose thought on the matter have made a huge splash. This isn’t the first time his comments about racism have made waves. 

When Michael Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson, Missouri, Watson addressed the roots of hatred. 

I’M ENCOURAGED, because ultimately the problem is not a SKIN problem, it is a SIN problem. SIN is the reason we rebel against authority. SIN is the reason we abuse our authority. SIN is the reason we are racist, prejudiced and lie to cover for our own. SIN is the reason we riot, loot and burn,” he wrote. 

Now, he’s reiterating these points with the death of Freddie Gray and the response in Maryland.

Watch the video to see what he tells Fox’s Greta Van Susteren and sound off on his thoughts. 


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