Matthew Vines

WATCH: Celibate Gay Christians Shake up Homosexual Debate


One year has passed since the Christian ministry Exodus International closed its doors.

The group tried to help gay men and women change their sexual orientation—but in the end, they apologized to anyone they had hurt in the process.

Now there’s a growing movement among believers who struggle with same-sex attraction, with some calling themselves “gay Christians” who focus on celibacy instead of transformation.

They say you can be gay and Christian as long as you’re celibate.

Matthew Vines is the author of God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships.

“It’s a subtle but significant shift,” the Religion News Service quoted Vines, who is openly gay.

“They’re saying, ‘There’s nothing wrong with being gay in and of itself,’ and that is a big change,” he said.

Is celibacy a workable solution for people who want to walk with Christ but are unable to overcome their same-sex attraction? Dr. Linda Mintle, a licensed family therapist, addresses this question and more. Click play below for her comments.


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