Trump Blocks CDC’s Attempt to Teach ‘Critical Race Theory’


Flouting orders from President Donald Trump, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reportedly tried moving forward with training on “critical race theory,” which focuses on things like “white privilege,” “microaggressions” and “institutionalized racism.”

Office of Management and Budget Director Russell Vought announced Tuesday morning, however, that the White House cancelled the sessions “immediately.”

The training in question also taught participants how to view “racism as a public health crisis” and promoted the belief that “systemic racism” causes “police killings of unarmed Black and brown men and women,” according to the New York Post.

Details about the 13-week series, titled “Naming, Measuring, and Addressing the Impacts of Racism on the Health and Well-Being of the Nation and the World,” were revealed Monday by Christopher Rufo of the Discovery Institute.

Rufo described the training as “textbook critical race theory.”

On Monday afternoon, Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, called on Congress “to ban federal dollars from being spent on critical race theory,” which he described as “divisive, race-based propaganda.”

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