The Dillard family, Derick, Israel David and Jill

The Duggars Welcome Baby Dilly!


The first of the Duggar daughters to be married off has had her first child. 

Jill and Derick Dillard welcomed baby Israel David, according to People magazine. 

As a first-time father, Derick blogged about how Jill’s labor opened his eyes to a wider understanding of the Bible, as well as how labor can be equated to the end times. 

“From what I’ve learned in birth class (as well as from Jill, who is a student midwife) and from what I am witnessing right now with Jill, labor pains start sporadically and then become more consistent, longer lasting, and stronger the closer we get to the birth of our son,” Derrick wrote. “Again, it’s important to remember that we don’t know when he will be born, but we can definitely see the evidence that points to his imminent arrival, whenever that might be. This is the perfect picture of how ‘end times’ events will play out.”

And like the prophesied end times, the little Israel David did not come when expected. Jill was initially due on March 24, but set a second due date for herself. 

“I have told myself, ‘First-time moms often go a week and a half over, so don’t get discouraged,’ ” she tells People.


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