A young anti-abortion rights activist sits behind her signs at a rally in front of the Planned Parenthood in St. Louis, Missouri.

The ‘Abortion Wars’ Will Come to a Head for 2020 Election


As the “abortion wars,” or the struggle to defend the nation’s unborn citizens, reach fever pitch across America, President Donald Trump continues to cement his reputation as the most pro-life president of the modern era, says evangelical leader and Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES, ses.edu) President Dr. Richard Land.

At SES, students delve into classroom discussions about the consequences of elections and the impact of Christians engaging in public policy through its relatively new “Philosophy, Politics and Economics” program. Offered primarily at just a few top-tier universities around the world, the PPE program introduces students to a Christian perspective of how philosophy, politics and economics intersect, focusing on the works of Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Karl Marx, Thomas Aquinas, Robert Sirico, Jay Richards and others.

Land pointed out that “several months ago, 85 Republican members of Congress wrote a letter to Dr. Scott Gottlieb, head of the Federal Drug Administration, saying, ‘Unborn children are not commodities to be bought and sold. The practice of conducting research using the body parts of children whose lives have been violently ended by an abortion is abhorrent.’

“Earlier this month, the president responded by signing an executive order ending medical research on aborted fetal tissue by government scientists,” Land said. “‘Promoting the dignity of human life from conception to natural death is one of the very top priorities of President Trump’s administration,’ the Department of Health and Human Services had said.

“This is a great victory in defending the unborn and pushing back against the commodification of human flesh in our country,” Land said.

“We should not be selling the flesh of the aborted unborn, even for supposedly noble medical purposes,” he added. “Such a market in human flesh cannot do other than increase the number of babies aborted. Furthermore, new technologies, such as induced pluripotent stem cells, remove the need to continue using the flesh of aborted babies for such research.

“Thank God for President Trump’s bold stand for the lives of our unborn citizens,” Land concluded. “Elections have consequences, and President Trump is proving to be the most pro-life president of the modern era. Conversely, Hillary Clinton would have been the most aggressively pro-abortion president in American history.”

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