Tea Party protest

Tea Party Movement Calls Obamacare Ruling ‘Slap in the Face’


Republicans and Tea Party movement protesters alike are among the many reacting with strong words in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Obamacare.

Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder and National Coordinator of Tea Party Patriots, offered a blunt response: The Supreme Court ruled against the American people today.

“The American people overwhelming oppose Obamacare. Now more than ever it is time for the American people to band together and take our government back,” Martin said. “Americans agree with what Justice Kennedy said in the dissenting opinion that ‘the entire Act before us is invalid in its entirety.’ We are putting all politicians on notice that we will not rest until this law is overturned it’s in entirety.”

Martin went on to call the ruling a “slap in the face” to the majority of the American people who want Obamacare fully repealed. Martin also called out Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, calling him to uphold his promise to fully repeal Obamacare.

Meanwhile, Republican Attorneys General Association Chairman Scott Pruitt (R-OK), also disagreed with the decision on the unconstitutionality of the health care act. He finds it disturbing that the Court did not place a limit on the power of the federal government to control the lives of Americans through the Commerce Clause.

But, he said, the battle isn’t over.

“It now is up to the political process to repeal the act and replace it with measures that address the health care crisis within the confines of the Constitution. We must continue to oppose this act and multiple overreaching regulations proposed by the Obama Administration that cross the line of federal power,” Pruitt said.

“This fall, the American people will have the opportunity to save the country from a disastrous future of similar intrusive policies and budget-busting costs by choosing their leaders wisely. Freedom and flexibility must remain with the states whose leaders know best how to care for the needs of their citizens.”


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