Golden State Warriors forward Kevin Durant and guard Stephen Curry celebrate with Curry's daughter Riley after defeating the Cleveland Cavaliers 129-120 in game five of the NBA Finals.

Steph Curry: It’s All for God’s Glory!


The Golden State Warriors cemented their fifth NBA championship last night, beating the Cleveland Cavaliers in five games and finishing the playoffs 16-1, in what some are calling the makings of a basketball dynasty.

Warriors’ star Stephen Curry has ties to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA,, and today, the international sports ministry is congratulating Curry and Golden State on its second thrilling title in three years.

Curry, a two-time NBA MVP, has become the face of the league and shared his faith story in a recent issue of FCA Magazine.

“I’m not a guy who’s going to be trying to bash people over the head with the Bible,” Curry said in the May/June 2016 issue. “I want people to know when they see me play that something is different, that I play for something different, and whether I’m talking about it [or not], I just hope by the way I carry myself and by the way I play the game, they can see there’s something different about that guy. And they find out what it is, and then they know. It’s part of who I am.”

Curry also told FCA that his faith is his “driving force.” It’s both the anchor and rudder for his life as he navigates the remarkable, but often perilous, journey of being a famous athlete. In fact, in the wee hours of this morning, Curry tweeted, “Glory to God!”

“I’ve always been a believer that the Lord has put whatever talent in you, [and] whatever gift He has put in you, He wants you to get the most out of that. He wants you to succeed; He wants you to pursue and work and be passionate about it,” Curry said. “It’s not about getting any of the glory for yourself; it’s all for His [glory]. That’s where you have to keep perspective. Work at it and do all you can so you get the most out of yourself, but do it for His will.”

Read more of FCA Magazine‘s features on Curry here, as well as at “Curry: In His Own Words” and “FCA Magazine’s Exclusive Interview with Stephen Curry.”

Additionally, FCA Magazine highlighted one of Golden State’s NBA Finals opponents, Cleveland Cavaliers newcomer Kyle Korver, who also shared more about his faith walk with FCA, specifically in the January/February 2015 issue, where he said he has no idea why God has put him in this position in life.

“I ask myself ‘why’ all the time,” Korver said. “I was never a basketball prodigy growing up. I was just the tall, lanky, pigeon-toed gym rat. But I know without a doubt that I’m still playing basketball by the grace of God. I don’t know exactly what His plans are for my life, and I don’t know why He’s given me the opportunities He has, but I’m grateful for them. I’m going to do my best to honor Him with everything that comes from them.”

To read the entire FCA story on Korver, click here. {eoa}


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