Should US Prepare for Nuclear EMP Attack?


Excessive heat in parts of the country is straining the nation’s aging electrical power grid. Temporary brownouts may occur in different places.

But what would happen if the United States lost electricity permanently?

Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb experts warn America’s enemies are already targeting the U.S. for a devastating attack, and at least one expert believes such an attack is inevitable.

An EMP is a nuclear weapon designed to explode high in the atmosphere, resulting in a knockout of a country’s electrical power grid.

Historian William Forstchen is a “New York Times” bestselling author and an expert on EMPs. His new novel is Five Years After,” a political thriller about the aftermath of such an attack.

“Hits the earth’s surface, feeds into our electrical wiring, and starts shorting out the entire power grid. If they launch three missiles (in the) eastern and central western United States, it would shut our grid down permanently,” Forstchen said.

Most people assume Russia or China would be the countries most likely to target the U.S. with an EMP. However, Forstchen believes North Korea is the more likely culprit.

The late Peter Pry, a nuclear weapons expert, and former staff director at the Congressional EMP Commission, agreed. Five years before his death in 2022, Dr. Pry warned that Kim Jung Un’s launch of a high-altitude ballistic missile was a test of North Korea’s EMP capabilities against the United States.

“The Japanese and South Korean military both described it as practicing for an EMP attack because it was a burst set deliberately by the North Koreans when it was at an altitude of 71 kilometers, Pry said.

The higher the altitude of the missile, the wider the area of destruction.

Pry described the scenario of how such an attack would devastate an unprepared United States. {eoa}

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