Ron Phillips

Ron Phillips Believes America’s Fate in Hands of Christians


An outbreak of evil. That’s how Ron Phillips, senior pastor of Abba’s House in Chattanooga, Tenn., describes what’s happening in the United States even now.

“I believe that when you don’t have righteous people in authority, the hedge of protection around a nation lifts,” says Phillips, author of more than 20 books, including Everyone’s Guide to Demons & Spiritual Warfare.

“We’ve had an absolute invasion of demonic terror and it manifests itself in things like the shootings in Aurora, Colorado and other scenes of terror and violence, an increasing divorce rate, and what some people call ‘weird stuff’ or mental illness,” Phillips says.

Although Phillips does believe in legitimate mental illness, he also believes much of the strange behavior that’s manifesting comes from the influences of evil forces in the world; evil forces nobody wants to talk about.

“Some pastors have warned me not to hang out a spiritual warfare shingle, but if we don’t do this our people are not equipped,” Phillips says. “People need to go to a church that believes in spiritual warfare and get good quality material that tell them how to turn the Bible into the Sword of the Spirit, which the Word of God is. People need to know how to build hedges around their own family and churches.”

As Phillips sees it, the United States of America is on a collision course with either destruction or revival. Both have been prophesied over America. Phillips believes God is waiting for His people, who are called by His name, to humble themselves, pray and seek His face.

Says Phillips, “It’s totally up to faithful and spiritual believers in America what happens to our nation.”


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