Prophetic words are inspiring revival in Mississippi schools.

Prophetic Words Guiding Student Awakening in Mississippi Schools


Fourteen years ago, music evangelist Steve Waldrip embarked on a campaign to place “In God We Trust” posters in classrooms in Mississippi’s DeSoto County, according to a then-new law.

Passed in 2001, the House Bill 51 requires any place of student assembly, such as a classroom to display the national motto at 11-by-14 inches with a framed background. The same law “allows children a moment of quiet reflection at the beginning of each school day which they can use to pray if they so desire,” letting prayer return to the hallowed halls of education.

“We feel like when we walk into classroom and put God’s name back on these classrooms, we give him back ownership of where’s he’s been thrown out,” Waldrip says. “Teachers are happy students are getting to pray and God’s name is in their classroom.”

Waldrip says the work he does is part of a greater prophecy. “There’s a prophecy that says Mississippi was a small rudder for a large ship. (This law) is like the prophecy.”

The prophetic guidance goes beyond words—Waldrip and his wife have the support of prophet Clay Nash, who works largely with the “Appeal to Heaven” movement.

“We find people doing grass-roots work,” Nash says of his involvement with the Waldrips. “We come along beside them, co-labor, partner … to help these godly endeavors.”

And the team is seeing what could be a great awakening.

“There’s a bit of wind blowing on ember and the flame’s starting to show,” Nash says.

Though mandated by law, some of the Mississippi schools have failed to post the motto.

Fearful of threats from the American Civil Liberties Union and Freedom From Religion Foundation, certain districts have dragged their feet toward compliance. A 2013 audit of schools revealed less than half the schools—41 percent—had the motto posted.

Waldrip renewed his effort, and with the help of Nash and other leaders in the state, “In God We Trust” is appearing on more school walls.

“Right now, 40,000 children saying God’s name in every classroom in all counties because of what God has us doing,” Waldrip says.

The progress is God marking the state according to prophetic revelations.

“Let me help you understand, you are living in a state that has a history that is not all that pretty,” prophesied Derrick McCoy, Bishop Harry Jackson’s assistant. “Because of that I hear God saying I can turn the ship and this state will be a spiritual rudder into the stern of the spirituality of America.”

A similar word was given to Jim Hodges in 2007.

“And I’m telling you this region is a key, it’s like a rudder on a ship, it’s a rudder—God is going to use this area to turn some things, like a rudder in Jesus name.”

Even Nash himself gave prophetic words over the state—and the schools.

“The universities and campuses will become the melting pot for my Spirit causing the forces that seek to redefine truth to once again accommodate their weaknesses to be overthrown by the righteous cry of those liberated by grace,” he wrote in 2009.

So Waldrip walks by faith that these campuses will be “ground zero” for an awakening.

“People praying for revival, school districts call us and tell us that prayer is breaking out in the school, and they can’t explain it,” Waldrip says. “Students are praying without anyone telling them. (This is) Ground Zero (for revival). Students are starting to get more in touch with God, being very vocal with their prayers. Look at the next generation! God is going to come back with a force in America because of the generation that’s coming up.”

What to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire’s new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.


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