newborn baby

Pro-Lifers Still Demanding Funeral for Gosnell Victim Babies


Where are the babies Kermit Gosnell murdered, and will they receive a proper funeral and burial? Pro-life organizations plan to ask the Philadelphia medical examiner to release the babies to them so these children can receive a proper funeral and burial. 

The groups will be holding a prayer vigil and news conference outside the medical examiner’s office on Friday at 10 a.m. in Philadelphia.

The Christian Defense Coalition will also be presenting a formal letter sent to the medical examiner by Alliance Defending Freedom asking for the release of the babies to pro-life organizations. 

If the babies are not released, the groups will be demanding the city of Philadelphia give full disclosure on how the babies are being treated, what kind of funeral and burial they are receiving and assurances these children will be given the same dignity and respect of any other persons under the care of the medical examiner. 

The Christian Defense Coalition and other pro-life organizations will be joining with Priests for Life and Stand True, which are the principal organizers of the event. 

“The pro-life community will be calling upon the Philadelphia medical examiner to release these babies who were murdered by Kermit Gosnell into their care so they can receive a proper and dignified funeral and burial,” explains the Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition.

“The official guidelines and regulations of the medical examiner’s office allow for anyone to put in a formal request like this, and we pray their office honors our request,” he continues.

“The conviction of Gosnell on murder charges makes it clear these babies are persons and must be afforded the same equal rights as anyone else under the law. 

“If the medical examiner offers a valid explanation why they should not allow the pro-life community to provide these babies a proper funeral and burial, then we we will be demanding that the city of Philadelphia give full disclosure on how these children are being treated and what kind of funeral and burial they will receive. 

“It would tragic and barbaric if they were not given the full respect and honor they deserve as part of the human family and afforded a proper funeral and burial. They were brutalized once by Kermit Gosnell. We must ensure that these innocent children are not brutalized and diminished again by the city of Philadelphia.”


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