Roe v Wade

Pro-Lifers Organize National Hour of Prayer


With the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision approaching, pro-life groups are partnering to launch a new prayer movement.

Organizers are urging members of the pro-life movement across the nation to observe a full day of prayer and fasting on the date of the anniversary, asking God for an end to abortion–which has produced over 54 million aborted children in the U.S. since 1973–and bring about a restored, life-affirming culture to the nation and around the world.

The pro-life groups also launched, an interactive website commemorating Jan. 22, 1973, the day abortion became legal in the U.S. serves as the hosting platform for a national hour of prayer via webcast Jan. 22, 2013, beginning at 3 p.m. EST.

The site also offers interactive tools and historical information about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to federally legalize abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.

For a small donation, visitors can also sign up for a red postcard, personalized with their name, to be delivered to the president on Jan. 22, 2013, reminding him of the importance of every human life. Organizers hope to deliver 1.2 million postcards to the White House, symbolizing the number of children aborted in the U.S. each year. also provides an outlet for visitors to share where they were when they heard about this shocking legal decision, and how they plan to pray for an end to abortion. Visitors can watch videos of spokespersons from sponsoring organizations, discussing how they have been affected by Roe v. Wade.

Confirmed sponsors include: Heartbeat International, Option Line, March for Life, Concepts of Truth, Family Research Council, Focus on the Family, Good Counsel, Life Legal Defense Foundation, National Pro-Life Religious Council, NIFLA, Priests for Life, and Students for Life.


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