A private preschool expelled a 4-year-old student after her parents raised questions about curriculum supporting exploring gender identities and promoting same-sex couples, according to the Denver Post.

Preschooler Expelled After Parents Refuse Same-Sex Education Course


A private preschool expelled a 4-year-old student after her parents raised questions about curriculum supporting exploring gender identities and promoting same-sex couples, according to the Denver Post.  

“I think at this age they don’t know what bias is. They could have kids from Mars and they would still play with each other,” mother R.B. Sinclair told the Post. “It’s not that she isn’t exposed to diversity, because it is the world we live in, but how are they having these conversations?” 

The child attended Montview Community Preschool & Kindergarten in Denver, which uses an “antibias” curriculum by A Queer Endeavor.  

“A Queer Endeavor seeks partnerships with educators and school communities to make unworkable the silence that historically has surrounded topics of gender and sexual diversity in education,” according to their website.

“A Queer Endeavor seeks to contribute to the knowledgebase on gender and sexual diversity-affirming policies and practices in education, inform research and praxis, and engage in broad-based coalition building with a variety of community-based stakeholders,” the site reads. 

Their mission aims “toward creating schools that are safer and more affirming of LGBTQ and gender-expansive youth.”


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