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Police Confiscate Street Pastor’s Bible, Amplifier


A St. Louis pastor says he’s called to preach the Good News not just in his church but also on the streets of his city.

Aaron Brummitt says he won’t be silenced, despite the fact that police confiscated his Bible and amplifier. The city says they simply responded to complaints.

“Yes, we filed the charges but there are citizens who are claiming he is disturbing their peace. So, it doesn’t matter what he is saying—the issue is how loud it’s being said,” Dan Wichmer, Springfield City attorney, says.

Brummitt says from the very beginning, he’s been careful to obey the law.

“We can do it at no higher than 75 decibels, which we’ve followed from the beginning, so we’ve never broken any laws … and we’re not using the city’s power to conduct our event; we’re not blocking traffic. So, we’re following what the city has asked us to follow,” he says.

Brummitt has been ticketed nine times. According to an Associated Press report, he still hasn’t gotten his Bible and equipment back.


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