Planned Parenthood leaders hid their profits from selling fetuses under innoculous titles.

Planned Parenthood Tries to Silence Peaceful Protestor


Liberty Counsel filed a motion over the weekend to dismiss a legal complaint from Two Rivers Public Charter School against veteran pro-life advocate Larry Cirignano for his peaceful, lawful, constitutionally protected speech for unborn children.

Planned Parenthood is constructing an abortion clinic in between an elementary and middle school. Larry and others have been peacefully informing the public of the abortion clinic sandwiched in between these two schools. Seeking to suppress the information from the public, the Two Rivers School filed suit against Larry and others seeking to silence them.

Larry has never trespassed on school property or otherwise broken any laws. Obviously, the charter school does not want parents to know of the abortion clinic.

“This lawsuit is outrageous. It is shocking that a school entrusted with the care of young children would want an abortion clinic adjacent to its property. Planned Parenthood is brass to construct a death camp beside an elementary and middle school. Parents should be forewarned of the dangers which lurk behind the four walls. School officials should be ashamed for trying to hide the clinic from the parents and the public. Our client will not be intimidated and deterred in the exercise of his freedom of speech,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel.

Liberty Counsel is an international nonprofit, litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and the family since 1989, by providing pro bono assistance and representation on these and related topics.


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