Planned Parenthood rally

Planned Parenthood Launches Pro-Abortion Prayer Campaign


Pray for abortions? Six Rivers Planned Parenthood of Eureka, Calif., has launched a campaign called the 40 Days of Prayer: Supporting Women Everywhere.

The campaign lists 40 different prayers for those committing abortions: the mothers, the escorts, the abortionists, and everyone involved except the unborn children.

The prayer event is supported by the Clergy for Choice, who characterize themselves as “religious leaders who value all human life.” In truth, the purported “clergy” only value life once it reaches a certain age and actively seek to destroy the lives of defenseless preborn children, according to Liberty Counsel.

As Liberty Counsel sees it, this is a concerted effort to dehumanize children based on their age and is similar to a tactic once used in Nazi Germany toward the Jews and other non-Arians: first ostracize them from the rest of society, and then annihilate them.

Planned Parenthood’s attempts to develop a “spiritual” aspect to the pro-abortion argument can seem comparable to the religious leaders in Germany who supported Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. It was wrong then and it is wrong now, Liberty says.

“Planned Parenthood’s ‘prayer’ campaign is offensive,” says Mathew Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. “As much as they might not like the comparison, Planned Parenthood today is no different than the eugenics promoted by its founder Margaret Sanger who advocated the elimination of ‘undesirables,’ just like the most famous eugenicist, Adolf Hitler.”

Day 35 of the prayer campaign says, “Today we pray for girls everywhere, that they may have every opportunity for education, sport, health, art and vocation.” This prayer excludes girls who are in utero, Liberty asserts, and offensively insinuates that mothers are incapable of becoming educated, enjoying art, being healthy or holding a job.

Liberty concludes that Planned Parenthood’s prayer crusade is an attempt to mock and marginalize the highly effective “40 Days for Life,” which has unified half a million voices for the cause and saved at least 5,838 lives.

As a direct result of this prayer event, 22 abortion clinics have closed and 69 doctors have stopped performing abortion. Vision America has another positive prayer and fasting event called “40 Days to Save America,” which encourages pastors, priests, and rabbis to pray for God to intervene and save our nation.


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