Planned Parenthood Is Trying to Shut This Movie Down at Every Turn


Producers of the upcoming film, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer, continue to face intense backlash as the movie approaches its Oct. 12 release date. In the latest incident, filmmakers Phelim McAleer, Ann McElhinney and Magdalena Segieda claim a pre-screening of the film that was set to take place Saturday at the Hyatt Hotel in Austin, Texas, was cancelled after hotel management caved under pressure from abortion giant Planned Parenthood.

In an email sent out to supporters over the weekend, the producers explain that the screening was originally scheduled to coincide with a $400-a-plate Planned Parenthood gala dinner being held nearby:

“It gave a real choice to the people of Austin. Many had already registered to attend the screenings, and we were receiving dozens of new RSVPs every day. But now thanks to the bullying of Planned Parenthood and the cowardice of the Hyatt, they won’t get to see the Gosnell movie and the truth about abortion.” {eoa}

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