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PBS Attorney Says Trump Supporters’ Children Should Be Taken From Families, Put in ‘Reeducation Camps’


An attorney for PBS has been fired after being caught on camera saying the children of President Donald J. Trump supporters should be taken from their families and sent to re-education camps.

Michael Beller was a contracts attorney for the PBS general council office. He was fired after Project Veritas published a video in which he shares political opinions that include describing the president as “close to Hitler.”

The video, which was released Tuesday, was recorded prior to the 2020 election. The conversation videotaped was between Beller and a woman Project Veritas describes as a journalist.

In it, Beller says, “Even if Biden wins, we go for all the Republican voters, and Homeland Security will take their children away. And we’ll put them in reeducation camps. What do you think about that?”

He also called them “enlightenment camps” and said that “they’re nice. They have Sesame Street characters in the classroom, and they watch PBS all day.”

Throughout the discussion, Beller talks of various election outcomes. In a fragmented statement in which he appears to be responding to a question about Democratic candidate Joe Biden losing the election, he describes going to the White House to throw Molotov cocktails.

In addition to terminating Beller, PBS is distancing itself from him and his outlook saying,

“There is no place for hateful rhetoric at PBS, and this individual’s views in no way reflect our values or opinions,” PBS continued. “We strongly condemn violence and will continue to do what we have done for 50 years—use our national platform and local presence to strengthen communities and bring people together.”

Project Veritas was founded by James O’Keefe in 2011 as a nonprofit journalism enterprise to perform undercover work. Its goal is to investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty and other misconduct in both public and private institutions.

In a tweet, O’Keefe states he caught Beller “who was already secretly recorded” at a restaurant.

“He wasn’t happy to see me,” says O’Keefe, who calls himself “Guerrilla Journalist.”

The video could not be shared by because of the language used during the discussion. {eoa}

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