Mat Staver

Pastors Rally Together to Fight San Antonio’s Discrimination of Christians


Pastors from across San Antonio are joining together to oppose the city’s proposed amendments which add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” to the local ordinance. The definition of “sexual orientation” includes someone who is reportedly “asexual.” And “gender identity or expression” is merely a subjective mental thought disassociated from objective reality.

“This ordinance is not about preventing discrimination. It is about promoting an intolerant agenda directed at Christians, people of faith, and those who believe that homosexuality is contrary to the natural order,” said Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. “This ordinance will punish people because of their views on human sexuality. Everyone must wake up and realize the agenda behind this ordinance before it is too late.”

Despite what amounts to cosmetic changes in the ordinance, it remains constitutionally deficient and should be rejected in its entirety. The ordinance will collide with First Amendment rights, Free Exercise rights, privacy rights, and common sense.

Christians and people of moral values regarding natural human sexuality would be labeled “biased” and forbidden from working for the city or volunteering for a committee because of their Biblical perspective on homosexuality or marriage. This blatant discrimination would extend to public accommodation and other areas. Under this proposed ordinance, men could demand to use the women’s restrooms, locker rooms and dressing rooms.

So-called “nondiscrimination” ordinances across the country have been used to bully individuals with religious convictions. Florists, cake bakers, wedding photographers, sign business owners and wedding venue owners have already been sued for refusing to serve same-sex unions.

Women and girls (as well as men and boys) have a right to privacy in public locker rooms or restrooms. If this ordinance passes, not only will any man be able to enter public spaces reserved for women, but lewd exhibitionists will expose themselves to women and children in restrooms, locker rooms, and saunas, as occurred at Evergreen State College in Washington in the Fall of 2012.

Churches that rent facilities to the public will also fall under this “nondiscrimination” mandate and will be forced to offer their sanctuaries for same-sex weddings.

“An example of the intolerance this ordinance will foster is illustrated by Twitter’s censorship of a local pastor’s account,” Staver said. “Even though the pastor was only making people aware of the upcoming vote, Twitter shut down his account.”

“I am calling on all pastors to stand up and mobilize their congregations to speak up,” Staver said. “This ordinance must be stopped.”

The group met Monday and Tuesday, and has several more meetings planned Wednesday. Click here for the schedule.


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