While protesters throw rocks at police cars, pastors are pursuing prophetic changes in their city.

Pastors Launch Prophetic Counter Attack Amid Violent Baltimore Riots


Television screens are splashed with images of rioters throwing rocks at police, protesters chanting and hateful headlines. But there’s a deeper truth happening in Maryland’s capital.

Pastors and politicians are coming forward and shining light into darkness—quite literally singing “This Little Light of Mine.” 

Bishop Walter S. Thomas tells the New York Times  that their marching is countering against the violence. 

“We’re out here, and this is peaceful,” he says. 

He’s not the only one standing for the Lord. Baltimore pastor Antoine Burton posted a video of 500 pastors peacefully marching through the streets, reclaiming their city for Jesus. 

Churches have played a critical role in civil rights and social justice. As violence appears along street corners, pastors are critically aware of their spiritual role. 

“Jesus said, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers.’ Our first responsibility is to promote peace,” Rev. Uriel Castrillon tells the Baltimore Sun.

Please lift up these pastors in prayer as they take their spiritual roles in standing up for justice. 


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