Pastor Says Key to Sunday’s Super Blood Wolf Moon Can Be Found in Scripture


Author and pastor Mark Biltz says most people are familiar with an eclipse. It’s not an uncommon occurrence.

But, as Biltz explains on Friday’s episode of the “Greenelines” podcast with Dr. Steve Greene, there is definitely something unique about the phenomenon that is scheduled to happen in our northern hemisphere this Sunday night, Jan. 21.

“What makes this different is that it’s a super moon,” said Biltz, author of the Charisma House book Decoding the Antichrist and the End Times, scheduled to release in March. “What it means is the moon’s orbit around the Earth is elliptical. Whenever there’s a full moon and it’s at its closest point in its orbit, it looks real big, and that’s called a super moon.

“So here we have a super moon that is also a blood moon. It’s also called a wolf moon, because it’s the first full moon of the year in January.

Biltz says the biggest significance for this super blood moon can be found in Genesis 1:14, which says, “And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be signs to indicate seasons, and days, and years.”

“He created them for signs or signals,” Biltz says.

For more information on Biltz and the super blood moon, click on this Charisma News article.



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