Ethan Roser died in a freak accident April 22.

Pastor’s Son Killed in Freak Hammer Accident


A freshman at Wheaton College in Illinois was killed in a freak hammer-throwing accident while volunteering at a track meet.

Ethan Roser, a 19-year-old transfer to Billy Graham’s alma mater, was volunteering at a Wheaton College track and field competition when he was struck by a hammer during the hammer throw event.

The “hammer” in hammer throw is a metal ball attached to a grip by a steel wire. Competitors spin around several times before releasing, or “throwing,” it, a local TV station reports.

“We are deeply grieved, but, because of our faith in Christ, not without hope,” the Christian college said in a statement.

“We know he’s with Jesus,” his father, the Rev. Mark Roser, said. “And the fact that he’s in paradise is a great source of comfort to us.”

Ethan was part of a Young Life club through his high school.

“Ethan Roser was one of our heroes. We LOVED how much Ethan cared for his Mason [Ohio] friends to learn more about the life of Jesus Christ,” the club posted to Twitter after his death. {eoa}


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